Ceramic Partners

Techno Start-ups


Techno Start-ups

Ceramic Partners is actively involved as initiator and investor in New Ventures related to High Tech Ceramic Technologies and Products.

In 2001 Ceramic Partners initiated the Company CEPAration BV together with TNO and Staalbankiers Eindhoven.
This Techno starter company has successfully commercialised proprietary Ceramic Hollow Fibre Membrane Technology.
CEPAration joint ventured with Hyflux Singapore in 2006 and was fully acquired by Hyflux in 2009.

In 2012 X-PORE BV was established for Development and Pilot Production of Porous Materials and Systems.
In 2014 X-PORE established two daughter companies X-PORE MEMBRANES BV and X-PORE CONSUMER BV for licensing and sales of proprietary technology.